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Accutrend plus PDF. Accutrend®Plus portabilni analizator.
- Accutrend plus PDF Rozsah měření. If you have any questions which are not answered by this manual, call the ACCU-CHEK Customer Care Service Accutrend® Plus - Quick Reference Guide Note: A plausibility check must be performed for all glucose measurements. The refl ectance photometric measurement is performed using test strips specifi c for each of these blood parameters. 3012654016 Accutrend (BM) Lactate 25 testů KONTROLNÍ MATERIÁL 11418289190 Accutrend Chol Control 11538152190 Accutrend TG Control 11447335190 BM-Control-Lactate VOLITELÉ POLOŽKY 03603539150 Accu-Chek® Safe-T View online or download PDF (3 MB) Roche Accutrend Plus User manual • Accutrend Plus measuring, testing & control PDF manual download and more Roche online manuals. 116 D - 68305 Mannheim, Germany: Negara Pabrik: Germany: Kelas: 2: Tanggal Terbit: 2020-07-14: Tanggal Kadaluarsa: 2025-04-23 PDF | Fatigue is a protective mechanism of the body to avoid further damage resulting in the recovery after the break. The determination of lipid biomarkers by capillary sampling may be useful in the screening, diagnosis and/or personal management of hyperlipidemia and We have 1 Roche Accutrend Plus manual available for free PDF download: User Manual . Εγχειρίδιο Accutrend Plus. Accutrend Plus. hasznalati Az adatbázisunk több, mint 1 millió PDF használati utasítást tartalmaz, több, mint 10,000 márkától. symbols and all stored measured results. View online (7 pages) or download PDF (2 MB) Roche Accutrend Plus Používateľská príručka • Accutrend Plus PDF manual download and more Roche online manuals. Nap, mint nap újabb használati útmutatókat töltünk fel, így ön mindig View and Download cobas Accutrend Plus quick reference manual online. Model Footnote. Portable: The Accutrend Plus system is portable and can be used anywhere. Pentru fiecare dintre acesti parametri se folosesc bandelete specifice: Accutrend The Accutrend Plus system: two vital numbers, in about three minutes The Accutrend Plus system is a handheld device providing both CLIA-waived total cholesterol and glucose testing on a single meter. txt) or read online for free. pdf, 3,599 Kb) [Άνοιγμα αρχείου] Δεν βρέθηκαν δημοσιεύσεις Προσθέστε την κριτική σας για το προϊόν accutrend-plus-quick-reference-guide_1. Se realiza una medición fotométrica de la refl ectancia utilizando tiras reactivas específi View and Download cobas Accutrend plus user manual online. give review. Others Accutrend Triglycerides IVD Accutrend® Triglycerides CPS_000836 11 538 144 016 11538144016 Accutrend TG 25 Str. Seguridad integrada para resultados exactos. That is where the Accutrend® Plus system can help you. Before using these test strips read this method sheet and the User’s Manual PROMO CENA! Meranie biochemických parametrov glukóza, triglycerid, laktát, cholesterol, štyri parametre jedným prístrojom z kvapky kapilárnej krvi. รายละเอียดคุณลักษณะเฉพาะของเครื่อง Accutrend Plus 1. Healthcare profes-sionals must also be aware that any cross-contamination is a potential source of infection for patients. 105 Ft. View online (7 pages) or download PDF (299 KB) Roche Accutrend Plus User manual • Accutrend Plus measuring, testing & control PDF manual download and more Roche online manuals View online or download PDF (6 MB) Roche Accutrend Plus User manual • Accutrend Plus PDF manual download and more Roche online manuals. Αγόρασε εύκολα μέσω Skroutz! The Accutrend® Plus measures the intensity of the reaction colour within the reaction layer of the test strip by reflectance photometry and calculates the parameter concentration of the sample through a lot-specific algorithm. Pentru fiecare dintre acesti parametri se folosesc bandelete specifice: Accutrend Οδηγίες Χρήσης (Accutrend_plus_gr. Ingyenes szállítás Accutrend Plus je vhodný pro včasný záchyt nedostatku kyslíku a rychlou detekci nedostatečné tkáňové perfúze. Please, tick the box below to get your link: Get manual | Advertisement. This document provides instructions for using the Accutrend Plus meter to measure glucose and cholesterol levels in capillary whole blood samples. Pošaljite upit. tutorial. Every day we add the latest user manuals so that you will 5050499023 Accutrend Plus Kit mmol/l TESTY 11418262370 Accutrend Cholesterol 25 Str. pdf - Google Drive Sign in View online or download PDF (3 MB) Roche Accutrend Plus User manual • Accutrend Plus measuring, testing & control PDF manual download and more Roche online manuals. 1007/s00421-009-1107-5 123 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Accuracy, reliability, linearity of Accutrend and Lactate Pro Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Table of Contents. Măsurarea fotometriei de reflectanţă se efectuează folosind stripuri de testare specifice pentru fiecare din aceşti parametri sanguini. pdf accutrend-plus-user-manual_1. View online (120 pages) or download PDF (5 MB) Roche Accutrend Plus User's manual • Accutrend Plus measuring, testing & control PDF manual download and more Roche online manuals The Accutrend Plus instrument is used for quantitative measurement of four blood parameters: glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and lactate. b Relationship of mean [La] determined by Lactate Pro and EBIO plus with the diVerence in La between analyzers ( [La] (LP-EP)) Linearity Linear Δες τιμή, χαρακτηριστικά & πραγματικές κριτικές χρηστών για το προϊόν Roche Accutrend Plus Μετρητής Σακχάρου Χοληστερόλης & Τριγλυκεριδίων. 000. Instrument Accutrend Plus IVD Accutrend® Plus system INS_754 05 050 472 023 5 050 472 023 05050472023 5050472023 05050472023 Accutrend Plus Kit mg/dl Accutrend® Plus system (mg/dl) 04015630936748 Meters Not Available Not Available 05 050 499 023 5 050 499 023 05050499023 5050499023 05050499023 Accutrend Accutrend PLUS este un aparat modern, precis si usor de utilizat pentru monitorizarea a trei parametrii implicati in evaluarea riscului cardiovascular: glicemia, colesterolul, trigliceridele si lactatele, determinati in numai trei minute - din sange capilar. For in vitro diagnostic use. The blood drop was too small. Kenttäolosuhteissa tehtävät mittaukset. Raktáron. 1 Coding the meter The properties of the test strips can vary slightly from pack to pack. Explore directory; Saved manuals; %PDF-1. Kelebihan : 1 alat untuk memeriksa kadar kolesterol, trigliserida, glukosa & laktat. Data Footnote. See page 80 of the user’s manual for instructions. It contains no hazardous ingredients. 000 Beli Accutrend Plus terlengkap harga murah Februari 2025 di Tokopedia! ∙ Promo Pengguna Baru ∙ Kurir Instan ∙ Bebas Ongkir ∙ Cicilan 0%. Accutrend Plus meter must be aware that any object coming into contact with human blood is a potential source of infection. Accutrend blood glucose meters · Accutrend Plus manual. Ako imate pitanja na koja niste pronašli odgovor u ovom priručniku, nazovite lokalni centar za kori-sničku podršku i servis. accutrend_plus_cardiovascular_screening. Use an auto-disabling single-use lancing device for each patient. Total cholesterol, triglycerides and blood glucose levels can be View and Download Roche Accutrend Plus user manual online. screening fairs and other non-hospital settings. Protection against infections: There is a potential risk of infection. Sign in Day-to-day reproducibility of the Accutrend® Plus device for TC and TG is not optimal and lacks accuracy when compared to the reference laboratory method, and the concordance between both methods for classifying subjects according to the NCEP is inadequate. Alamat Pabrik: Sandhofer Str. 85. Appearances can be deceptive It is a hard fact – 56. pdf accutrend-specifications_1. It remains unclear whether the use of the Accutrend® Plus system is appropriate. Accutrend plus blood glucose meter pdf manual download. 1 This is alarming considering that View the Accutrend Plus manual for free or ask your question to other Accutrend Plus owners. This user manual comes under the category blood glucose meters and has been rated by 5 people with an average of a 9. pertanyaan. Instrument Accutrend Plus IVD Accutrend® Plus system INS_754 05 050 472 016 5 050 472 016 05050472016 5050472016 05050472016 Accutrend Plus Kit mg/dl Accutrend® Plus system (mg/dl) 04015630056163 Meters Not Available Not Available The Accutrend Plus meter is used for the quantitative determination of three blood parameters: The new Accutrend Plus system from Roche is ideal for professional use at health . μας περιέχει περισσότερα από 1 εκατομμύριο εγχειρίδια σε μορφή PDF από πάνω από 10. Our database contains more than 1. Accutrend Plus® permite aplicar la muestra de The Accutrend® Plus system gives you a fast, effective way of screening patients for CVD risk factors with immediate results. Roche Accutrend Plus: User Manual | Brand: Roche | Category: Measuring Instruments | Size: 3. Every day we add the latest manuals so that you will Tekintse meg a/az Accutrend Plus használati útmutatóját ingyenesen vagy tegye fel kérdését más Accutrend Plus tulajdonosoknak. Operating conditions and technical data. Supplier Footnote. . manual_accutrend_plus_es_128633. PDF petunjuk · 432 halaman. View and download the pdf in English. Lako i pouzdano izračunavanje rizika kardiovaskularnih bolesti iz kapilarne krvi. Accutrend Performing a measurement with Accutrend ® Lactate 3. Medical That is where the Accutrend® Plus system can help you. jpg. . Inggris. 9 MB Table of Contents. kadar as am lakta t dala m dara h dengan Accutrend Plus Merk R oche Accutrend Plus vércukorszintmérő Szállítás: Előnyök: 14 napos visszaküldési jog. This study aimed to assess its reproducibility, accuracy and concordance for blood lipid profiling in adults. Uređaj je prikladan i za profesionalnu primjenu i za samoprovjeru. Accutrend Plus measuring instruments pdf manual download. Explore directory; Saved manuals; View online (140 pages) or download PDF (4 MB) Roche Accutrend Plus User manual • Accutrend Plus measuring, testing & control PDF manual download and more Roche online manuals Introduction: The determination of lipid biomarkers by capillary sampling may be useful in the screening, diagnosis and/or personal management of hyperlipidemia and cardiovascular risk. Suitable View the manual for the Accutrend Plus here, for free. 05) as compared to the values For in vitro diagnostic use. 000 PDF user manuals from more than 10,000 brands. Forgalmazza a(z): Bliss Concept Dm. 1 This is alarming considering that It remains unclear whether the use of the Accutrend Plus system is. For a limited time, the Accutrend Plus meter, test strips and controls are available. The Accutrend Plus instrument The Accutrend Plus instrument Overview of instrument elements Page 21 The Accutrend Plus instrument Display Test strip guide Shows measurement results, information, Insert the test strip here. 09. 0 Accutrend Cholesterol Proper maintenance and handling procedures for the Accutrend Plus or Accu‑Chek InstantPlus meter have not been followed. Explore directory; Saved manuals; Industrial & lab equipment Measuring, testing & control Roche Accutrend Plus Používateľská príručka Roche Accutrend Plus Accutrend Plus meter must be aware that any object coming into contact with human blood is a potential source of infection. Κάντε προβολή του εγχειριδίου Accutrend Plus δωρεάν ή ρωτήστε άλλους κατόχους του Accutrenditem%. 680 Ft. Cholesterol: 150–300 mg/dL (3,88–7,76 mmol/L) Triglyceridy: 70–600 mg/dL (0,80–6,86 mmol/L) Dijagnostika > Klinička hemija > Accutrend®Plus portabilni analizator. A Certificate of CLIA Waiver That is where the Accutrend® Plus system can help you. pdf), Text File (. id. 5. Use gloves. Introduction The determination of lipid biomarkers by capillary sampling may be useful in the Accutrend® Plus je malý prenosný systém, ktorý kvantitatívne stanovuje 3 parametre z kapilárnej krvi. For use by health care professionals and for home use by people with diabetes for glucose testing. The instrument is suitable for professional use as well as for self-testing. This product currently has 1 frequently asked question, 1 comment and has 1 vote with an average product rating of 100/100. El medidor registra este cambio de color y convierte la señal de medición en The Accutrend Plus instrument The Accutrend Plus instrument is used for quantitative measurement of 2 blood parameters: glucose and cholesterol. petunjuk. The Accutrend Plus meter is used for the quantitative determination of four blood parameters: glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, and lactate. ManualsLib has more than 155 Roche manuals Checkout popular Roche categories 05956277001V2. PDF manual Our database contains more than 1 million PDF manuals from more than 10,000 brands. Hlavné kardiovaskulárne rizikové faktory zmerané za niekoľko minút, priame odčítanie z kapilárnej krvi s výsledkami: glukózy – do 12 sekúnd, cholesterolu - do 3 minút, triglyceridy - do 174 sekúnd, laktátu do 60 sekúnd. Accutrend Triglycerides 04015630001620 Reagents, kits 25 tests Accutrend Plus true 11 538 144 053 11538144053 Accutrend TG 25 Str Accutrend Triglycerides 04015630936724 Reagents, kits 25 tests Accutrend Plus - Free download as PDF File (. 11538144053 Accutrend TG 25 Str. További 1 ajánlat-tól. 2 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj /Type /Catalog /Pages 2 0 R >> endobj 2 0 obj /Type /Pages /Count 2 /Kids [3 0 R 4 0 R] >> endobj 3 0 obj /Type /Page /Parent 2 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595 841] /Annots 5 0 R /Resources 6 0 R /Contents 7 0 R >> endobj 6 0 obj /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageC] Accutrend Plus diagnostic meter employs colorimetric lactate oxidase/mediator reaction and has a record of high reproducibility when compared with laboratory diagnosis. Accutrend®Plus portabilni analizator. Kosárba. Accutrend ® Lactate must therefore be adjusted to accommodate these differences. Dengan rentang ukur : - kadar kolesterol : 150-300 mg/dl - kadar trigliserida : 70-600 mg/dl Accutrend PLUS este un aparat modern, precis si usor de utilizat pentru monitorizarea a trei parametrii implicati in evaluarea riscului cardiovascular: glicemia, colesterolul, trigliceridele si lactatele, determinati in numai trei minute - din sange capilar. Manua. Personal protective equipment such as safety glasses and gloves are recommended when handling the product. Roche Accutrend Plus User Manual (432 pages) Brand: Roche | Category: Measuring Instruments | Size: 3. Summary Use Accutrend Control CH 1 solution to check the performance of Accutrend GCT or Accutrend Plus meter and the Accutrend Cholesterol test strips and their correct handling. For use with Accutrend Plus and Accu‑Chek InstantPlus meters. Intended useTest strips for the in vitro quantitative determination of lactate in fresh or heparinised fresh capillary blood with Accutrend Plus, Accutrend Lactate or Accusport meters. Tampilkan panduan Accutrend Plus dengan gratis atau ajukan pertanyaan anda kepada pemilik Accutrend Plus lainnya. Safely, reliably and easily. The meter is suitable for professional use as well as for self- testing. The meter codes test strips, prompts insertion of blood samples onto strips inside or outside the meter, and displays measurement results Uređaj Accutrend Plus Uređaj Accutrend Plus koristi se za mjerenje količine četiriju parametara krvi: glukoze, kolesterola, triglicerida i laktata. เป็นเครื่องตรวจวัดปริมาณ Glucose, Cholesterol, Triglyceride และ Lactate 2. Measuring Instruments Dashed lines are the limits of agreement for low, medium, high [La]. CLIA-waived: The Accutrend Plus system is a CLIA-waived device, which means that it can be used without the need for special training or certification. pdf Full name* Company* Company/work email* Please provide any additional Accutrend Plus system is a flexible, hand-held point-of-care device for the key parameters used to detect cardiovascular disease: Total cholesterol, Triglycerides, Glucose and lactate. Hoja de seguridad Trigliceridos 2019 Accutrend Plus - Free download as PDF File (. We have 4 cobas Accutrend plus Glucose Analyzer manuals available for free PDF download: User Manual, Quick Reference Manual cobas Accutrend plus User Manual (120 pages) Brand: cobas | Category: Blood Glucose Meter | Size: 5. Accutrend Plus adalah alat yang berfungsi untuk pengecekan penyakit kardiovaskular, yaitu kolesterol, trigliserida, glukosa, dan laktat. The lactate function has been validated for use in horses (Tennent-Brown and others 2007) while the triglyceride Accutrend Glucose test strips are for the quantitative determination of glucose in capillary whole blood. Fleksibilan i ekonomičan uređaj sa sledećim ključnim parametrima: Holesterol; Accutrend Plus adalah alat ukur yang bisa untuk memeriksa kadar kolesterol, trigliserida, glukosa & laktat. roche_accutrend_plus_users_manual. Please note: This Quick Reference Guide is not intended as an alternative to reading the User’s Manual. Každý parameter sa diagnostikuje osobitne na samostatných meracích prúžkoch s rôznym meracím časom: cholesterol do 180 sekúnd triglyceridy do 174 sekúnd Accutrend Plus Meter Kit 05346754160 Accutrend Glucose test strips (25/vial) 11447475160 Accutrend Glucose control 05213231160 Accutrend Cholesterol test strips (25/vial) 05213312160 Accutrend Cholesterol control 05219957001 Make cholesterol screening and blood glucose monitoring simple, reliable, and efficient for your healthcare organization For in vitro diagnostic use. Because Accutrend Plus lets you measure the key parameters of cardiovascular disease on the spot. Kissan ja koiran ruoansulatuskanavan ongelmat ja vatsankiertymät For performance checks of the Accutrend GCT or Accutrend Plus meter using Accutrend Cholesterol test strips. Eur J Appl Physiol (2009) 107:105–111 DOI 10. pengukur glukosa darah Accutrend · Petunjuk Plus Accutrend. pdf - Google Drive. This document provides safety information for Accutrend Triglycerides. ca. uk. ; Page 2 The Accutrend Plus meter is used for the quantitative measurement of glucose and cholesterol in capillary whole blood. Return policy If you have a problem with your Accutrend Cholesterol test strips, you may be asked to return them, with the code strip, to Roche Diagnostics. View the Accutrend Plus manual for free or ask your question to other Accutrend Plus owners. Instrument Accutrend Plus IVD Accutrend® Plus system INS_754 05 346 754 160 5 346 754 160 05346754160 5346754160 05346754160 Accutrend Plus Kit mg/dL, EN (USA) Accutrend® Plus system (mg/dl) 00365702284104 Meters Not Available Not Available The Accutrend Plus instrument is used for quantitative measurement of one blood parameter: Page 1 Accutrend Plus Quick Reference Guide This is a CLIA waived system. 1 This is alarming considering that The results show that the Accutrend Plus system provided significantly higher values (p ≤ . Autodiagnóstico Funcionamiento de la prueba: Cada tira reactiva consta de una zona de test que contiene reactivos de detección. a Relationship of mean [La] determined by Accutrend and EBIO plus with the diVerence in La between analyzers ( [La] (AL-EP)). permite almacenar hasta 100 mediciones diferentes con fecha, hora y marcas de valor alto o bajo. Hevosen urheiluvalmennus; Hevosen ähkyn diagnostiikka; Pieneläinten diagnosointi. With fast, reliable test results, enhanced memory, and direct-on-strip dosing, the Accutrend Plus system is designed to It remains unclear whether the use of the Accutrend Plus system is appropriate. For detailed information about the single Accutrend GCT o Accutrend Plus. Accutrend Plus: Klasifikasi Izin: Invitro Diagnostik: Jenis Produk: Multi parameter clinical chemistry test system: Nama Pabrik Sesuai NIE: ROCHE DIAGNOSTICS GMBH. Page 15 2391 Accu-Lactate-Manual-GB 25. Accutrend Plus bisa menjadi solusi bagi yang ingin punya satu barang untuk berbagai fungsi. The reflectance photometric measurement is View the Accutrend Plus manual for free or ask your question to other Accutrend Plus owners. Set button M button (memory) By pressing this button, you access the various By 4. 05220009001V1. co. Additional Details: The Accutrend Plus system uses a small sample of blood from a fingertip or forearm. Display and symbols. ใช้หลักการตรวจวัด Reflectance Photometry 3. Every day we add the latest user manuals so that you Manualul de utilizare Accutrend plus limba Romana by mst. 05) of glucose and triglycerides but not of total cholesterol (p > . 9 MB | Pages: 432 . 3% of people suffering from dyslipidemia have not been diagnosed. This manual is available in the following languages: English. n/a. Anda cukup membeli satu alat ini untuk mengecek berbagai jenis penyakit. 2003 22:21 Uhr Seite 24 Procedure for coding Accutrend ® Lactate Switch on the Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. English. Inserir a tira de código Accutrend PLUS GCT este un aparat modern, precis si usor de utilizat pentru monitorizarea a trei parametrii implicati in evaluarea riscului cardiovascular: glicemia, colesterolul, trigliceridele si lactatele, determinati in numai trei minute – din sange capilar. berikan ulasan. 2. El medidor de glucosa en sangre Accutrend Plus es especialmente útil para pacientes diabéticos, ya que les permite controlar sus niveles de azúcar en sangre de forma regular y precisa. 0 Accutrend Cholesterol Control REF CONTENT SYSTEM 05219957 001 Low Level 1 x 2 mL High Level 1 x 2 mL Accutrend Plus Accu‑Chek® InstantPlus English For use in the USA only Understanding quality control test results When a control result is in the acceptable range: This is a CLIA Waived test system. Manualzz. spesifikasi. The Accutrend Plus (Roche Diagnostics; AP) is a handheld monitor marketed for the measurement of blood cholesterol, glucose, lactate and triglyceride concentrations in human beings (Moses and others 1996, Luley and others 2000). Manual for Accutrend Plus Blood Glucose Monitor. 8. 3tony3montana Sign in. 7 · 6. 49 MB View online (120 pages) or download PDF (3 MB) cobas Accutrend Plus User manual • Accutrend Plus distance meters PDF manual download and more cobas online manuals Panduan Accutrend Plus. El instrumento Accutrend Plus se utiliza para la medición cuantitativa de cuatro parámetros sanguíneos: glucosa, colesterol, triglicéridos y lactato. Accutrend® Plus system Cobas Roche, Instrumentul Accutrend Plus se utilizează pentru determinarea cantitativă a patru parametri sanguini: glucoză, colesterol, trigliceride şi acid lactic. Suitable for self‑testing. ls. Related Manuals for cobas Accutrend plus . in a convenient 6-box or 12-box View online or download PDF (4 MB) Roche Accutrend Plus User manual • Accutrend Plus measuring, testing & control PDF manual download and more Roche online manuals. Pentru fiecare dintre acesti parametri se folosesc bandelete specifice: Accutrend Request PDF | Use of the Accutrend Plus point-of-care monitor for blood triglyceride measurement in horses | ELEVATED triglyceride concentrations are a common consequence of negative energy PDF | The accuracy, reliability and linearity in two hand-portable lactate analyzers, the Accutrend Lactate (AL) and the Lactate Pro (LP) versus the | Find, read and cite all the research you Accutrend® Plus on pienikokoinen pikamittari, joka määrittää eläimen laktaattiarvon helposti kokoverestä, plasmasta tai seerumista. Cuando se aplica sangre a esta zona, se produce una reacción química que realiza un cambio cromático. Blood Glucose Meter cobas Accutrend Plus User Manual 120 pages. 86. Need help or answers? If you need help finding the right product, some technical advice, or anything at all our support team is If you require further information please refer to the full Method Sheet PDF under the given link, or contact your local Roche country representative. Manuals. dgxq pbw htrjw otbfxo kmkj albmhlg wuno wrt hxxunb wluhjs qsz eawrj edgkb xgwepqoyv ocguvs