Full splice cue makers. More Home; wrapless Cues; Browse by.
Full splice cue makers com Full splice is the technique used by cue makers where essentially the builder uses two solid pieces of wood, each spliced to interlock with each other like a puzzle, and then turned down. The price is $1575. For nostalgia, I wanted a 'full splice cue'. r chow New member. Carolina custom cues makes full spliced cues. I have been looking at a bacote and ebony sneaky full splice but with a Stainless Steal joint, around 19. Gerhard To all cue makers: I am looking on getting a full splice sneaky made but it appears that the woods I like together will make the cue too heavy for my preference. Being full splice doesn't make any difference in this situation. There are many out there who sell full-splice cues and blanks. He is a hell of a nice guy and his site (which is getting a new look right now )has the most detailed design and build videos/picture for your viewing /learning pleasure on the planet. These are made from high quality exotic woods spliced into maple and the points are very close to even. They are approximately 30" long and tapered down to where you can put the finish passes on them pretty fast. Over 260 pages! Veneers, Re-Cut, Full Splice and Butterfly Points and more. This is all done by hand, no In the mid to late 1970's, Palmer transitioned from being a custom cue maker to a distributor of billiards related products. Burl is considered unstable and coring Will never part w the solid Ebony as I've been told it's extremely hard to get the weight and playability just right and not a lot of cue makers are doing solid Ebony as the price has gone up. I have a rare double full splice cue (mde from a Davis blank), finisherd by PFD - and that's what I call a good finish. The work is done on our Cue Smith Lathe and Inlay Machine. all were the "full splice" style, some may call it "sneaky pete" style (2 level 3's and 1 level 2), 2 were coco and one purple A cue maker should not get insulted - most will refuse to make you a custom with a full splice unless they aquire the blank. Do you have a cue from him? How does it play? The cue he created for the full splice cue challenge was It is a fully assembled cue turned oversize. Using the highest quality materials available in every component, Jim makes the entire cue in his one-man shop. I just posted a thread in the Cue Gallery featuring Davis blanked cues. Last edited: It is not only no longer a full splice cue, I think one could argue very easily that it is no longer even as structurally sound Mike Bender is one of the American cue makers his cue selected to collect in the Smithsonian Museum. If it is thinner, I think the Shelby is the newsest of the great cue makers fron the Dallas area in thesame line of cue maker as Nemic,Vigus,and Jake John Nemic if you can contact him,he makes super quality full splice cues for $1000 worth twice that Paul Drexler Why is the best cue maker of all time listed last You said under $2500 Drexler normally is super high dollar There are many factors, none of which are determined by the splice type. Michael Webb AzB Silver Member. 570-406-1507. Milian AzB Silver Member. j2 . Joint rings and butt plate ring. com | PO Box 7 | 200 S Main Street | Mooreland, Ok 73852 | (800) 364-6913 | (580) 994-2414 | Facebook Full spliced cues are attached together by gluing all that surface area afforded by joining these prongs together. CUE REVIEWS. Now that I have clarified that. Any cue maker in the U. How a cue is converted depends upon the cue. I expect a full splice cue has nothing to do with how the ball reacts, maybe nothing to do with how the cue stabilizes. Excluding Sales Tax | FREE SHIPPING!!! Add to Cart. best not to respond with any pricing as I do not want to potentially set any improper expectations for any custom cue makers, Bob Dzuricky has posted a video of a particularly nice veneered cocobolo into maple full splice blank I made for him. This appears to be desirable, however the ABOUT THE CUE MAKER. 00 – $ 125. , with a 19" balance point. Richard Helmstetter started Adam cue company in the early 1970's. Most cues I see today are cored and have no issues as its easier to control the weight distribution, quality is quality and you know what a cue feels Full Splice Billiards - Lakewood this is my shop / pool hall, I mainly do conversion cues and some customs. If the cue is made to accept a weight bolt / set screw or not. Price $450. IMO, Davis might have made a great forearm when other cue makers couldn't or didn't make their own (Balabushka and others). A decal is precisely affixed to the cue underneath the finish. Prather Cue | sales@prathercue. The merry widow is easier to make. It pulls in the red from the veneers and completes the overall beauty build our own full splice cues from scratch! This includes one shaft and our sterling silver stitch. 37 Years Old, Still New and Unplayed. Feb 14, 2023 Andy builds a high quality full splice pool cue blank. JMO. I have owned, at one time or another, three John Davis full-splice blanks. Would love to hear more about this. cue makers strive for to yield the best overall results. The options may be Making less than 75 Cues a year, Jim Pierce has become one of the premier cue makers in the country. The front part of the cue, the nose, is cut to slide into the handle prongs. IMHO cue makers often have their own ideas about such thing and it can also have to do with their construction methods. There are also cue makers who build their own cues from scratch, and cue makers who assemble cues from pre-made blanks or prongs and handles. Duc Lam makes good cheap full spliced blanks. I was curious about something. Davis makes are the beginning of a fine cue. Quality custom from a new full splice blank - such as a Bob Frey using a quality full splice sneaky blank like the kind available from Prather, Barringer, etc etc. 08 oz. Click a thumbnail to view the largest possible picture in a new window. If he doesn't make his own full splice, then it can be a misrepresentation of how his cues play. All other things being equal, a cue with 'short splice' points will cost less than a full splice cue. When shafts are turned from blanks to play, it's never done all at once. CUE RAFFLE INFO. If interested, you can watch a youtube video Bob Dzuricky made of my first veneered blanks we assembled together here. It worked out for me. He has been known for many years as the maker of superior full splice blanks. Joint protectors included. Then it came up for sale again later in the year and I jumped on it. I don’t see many around and yours is a great example. I'm talking full splice vs half splice. Prather makes full spliced cues and blanks. Mike was the first to do multiple re-splice points in 1994, which are one of Bender´s signature designs. S. I own a cue made in the Philippines all hand made with the nicest piece of coco bola that I have ever seen,the points are all full splice, even and sharp. If it is thick enough (around . I A full splice with veneers is not considered a sneaky pete. Feel free to email with any There have been some good cuemakers mentioned already. Cue Finish Water Based Urethane (Click for Replacement Product Info) There is the "full" splice hit, if it can be left as full as possible. As a cue maker, I don't think half spliced points are any better than CNC points, especially those with fairly sharp points (cut with very Many cue makers have someone else make the blank because that is a specialty. John's full splice blanks are considered among the best, which is demonstrated by the fact that so many cuemakers have used them through the years, including George Balabushka. SOLD!! ♦ BICENTENNIAL CUE IN MAPLE & EBONY, ♦ FULL SPLICE WRAPLESS. This is my favorite cue of all time that Adam every made, and when you talk about a Full Splice PRICING Custom made from the finest hardwoods. Our As far as I can tell, have seen from pictures and was shown by a local cue maker, full splice pool cues are made by sticking two solid pieces of wood "into" eachother (think positive and negative or male and female pieces of wood). Other cue makers including Tad Kohara and Ernie Gutierrez (Gina Cues). The cue in question was a short full-splice, blank, most likely ebony into maple. Really love the full splice style of cue. 99/ 19. 6, 3. The partial consists of the butt half of the cue in a pre-finished form. So, he put the A-joint at almost the full length of the short blank. All the custom cue maker needs to do is build the shaft, install the joint and butt cap and finish the cue. Burton Spain always did that (with a few exceptions I. Today on Studiotronics, we're building a pool cue from scratch. Cocobolo and Bird's Eye Maple paired with a Mezz WX900. With advancements in modern adhesives, the full splice technique has been Full Splice cues built with Bird’s-eye Maple fronts (unless otherwise noted) and priced with one standard Josey shaft. Silver Member. The decal point is just what it sounds like. The techniques used to build this cue are a very old-school traditional If I remember right, the blank was sent to the cue maker and the cue maker just used it without questioning it. Decal Pool Cues. In my opinion, most of the way a cue plays is in the shaft. The reason My issue with half splice cues and A joints is the flat glue surface between the two pieces (and the surfaces of the rings)a full splice has several feet of glue surface (counting each side of each point on each piece of spliced wood) that aren't flat surfaces perpendicular to the impact, but interlocking. But I have a selected and really good Davis blank left. Im here to tell you the hit of a spliced cue Scott Gracio is now making full spliced cues. 00 4 Point Cue Buff: Buffing Material (Click for Replacement Product Info) $ 15. LP makes full spliced cues. A butt made for playing and not as a piece of furniture. about it the way I would with a much more expensive cue and especially a one of a kind cue made by one of the best cue makers ever. www. GTF 1X2 "TUBE" CASES (CHINA) ♦ LIMITED OFFERING OF MINT CONDITION The world may not need another cue-maker, but the talents of John Davis are definitely in demand by other cue-makers. I will get it finished in a few years. garczar AzB Silver Member. angldemn AzB Silver Member. 00 4 Point 1 veneer *$85. ” “And don’t forget the crushed red pepper. Purpleheart and curly maple full splice cue. Cart 0. More Home; wrapless Cues; Browse by. Helmstetter decided to branch off on his own in around 1970 and founded Adam cues. So , yes , I am keenly interested in every aspect of how a master cue maker combines all of their skills to create a playing masterpiece that looks great too! Ariel has been a full-time cue maker since 1994. kleincues. +1800-850-8832 R010 Purpleheart 4-Prong Spliced 2 Piece Cue w/Maple Shaft (Sneaky Pete) Greetings all, looking for recommendations on makers who make/specialize in full splice cues thank you all in advance! Ive read it all on here about full splice cues. Dont get me Full splice? Many variables. This month’s “Meet the Cue Maker” features Jim Pierce of Pierce Custom Cues. I recommend this. This video comes with a $50 credit toward the purchase of a Cue Smith Inlay This is a great playing cue as well as a beautiful piece of cue art - a combination of the exceptional craftsmanship of Andrew Rounceville and the artful eye of Shelby Williams. S-00a—-Rosewood $550 S-00b—-Shedua $550 S-00c—-Bocote $550 S-00d—-Cocobolo with Cocobolo rings $660 S-00e—-Ebony $650 S-00f—-Shedua with white Hoppe ring $600 S-00g—-Cocobolo with white joint & buttcap, Cocobolo rings $720 Richard Phillippi was a highly underrated cue maker that passed away. US Air forces tribute custom fullsplice pool cue; Constantly Generate Love These full splice cues hit a ton - they are made to play. 850) at 29" point on the joint end of the butt, it us thick enough to keep the butt as a full-splice all the way to the butt cap. Each piece is cut then let stand, then cut then again stand till the final cut. Chris Nitti ebony full splice , and Building a fullsplice cue is no easy task, as it took me years to learn the methods used. 00. For the past 20 years, he has worked out of his 700 sq ft shop near his house in Eastvale, California. . Many cuemakers try to tell you a merry widow is just as good. Alex was the house pro at JOB Billiards so I could have daily contact with him re the construction. Here are some full splice and short splice blanks. 00 – $ 270. My BBC and Brunswicks that have been converted and left full splice play distincly differnt from any of the same cues that have been cut down to a short splice. Jun 22, 2016 In a full splice with an ebony back end it could be cored half way and the core threaded into the butt to a point somewhere in Get In Touch. All Products Full Splice Bacote Sneaky pete by Carl Giuli Custom Pool Cues. It's just that no cuemaker makes a cue that EVERYONE likes. 8, 3. Actually, it's not a sneaky pete if it has anything, including collarsit's just a fancy non-veneered full splice. This is an economical choice by some cue makers or brands to offer exotic and intricate designs and still keep the selling prices down to a reasonable amount. However, this year he states he will be using more variety Hi Raist. Also, if you want butterfly cues, but not full splice cues. 4 sharp points JEFF PRATHER CUES A True Hand Made Full Splice "Truly" American Made Cue Full Splice Construction High Performance Shaft Available 3/8" 11 or 5/16" 14 joint pin Your choice of woods and veneer colors on custom order 3/4" Tiger HD-2RW Red W/ Leather Wrap High Performance Series Cue is made using exotic wood like Ebony forearm and butt sleeve, and Amboyna Burl full splice 4 points using black and red veneers. AND IVORY. Hover over a thumbnail to zoom in. Full Splice cues built with Bird’s-eye Maple fronts (unless otherwise noted) and priced with one standard Josey shaft. Full Splice Butt Blanks $ 60. Thanks Don Classic 9p fullsplice pool cue blanks made of Hornbeam brown, black, white; Where we are going you will like it. Paul Sumrall of S&S custom cues does his own full splice with veneers, but I'm not sure that he has done any butterfly spliced cues. I also believe the Full Splice cues that he developed were thought to be better for feeling the cue as it struck the cueball. His long history with To a talented cue maker, making a full-slice cue would not, in all probability, be considered difficult to produce. For the advanced cue maker, buy our 4 and 6 point prong blanks ready for inlaying. Hello everyone. PRONG PRICING TYPE VENEER PRICE with your wood 4 Point no veneer *$80. Lou’s post underscores the significance of the weight ratio. I am now building my own full spliced blanks, both for sneaky petes, and veneered. He adds a nice, mostly red, dash ring pattern that looks great. Might get a better answer in the ask the cue maker forum . 00 If you do not wish to finance / purchase this item through Affirm please contact us directly so that we can send you an invoice to pay directly with a A member here, I think he is a pro skier, has a thread about a full splice cue with an inlaid ring above the wrap. Standard forearm is figured maple. COCOBOLO & MAPLE New Listing! ♦ FULL SPLICE WRAPLESS by a select few case-makers. cgcustomcues@gmail. They have been sold widely to many cuemakers, as well as to cue addicts who have bought the blanks and If you haven't had the opportunity to hit with a well-made full splice cue, you may be surprised. The cue weighs 18. When you see some of the renown high end cue makers selling Every beginner to intermediate cue maker should have this book and the advanced cue maker might still pick up some little tricks. These blanks were obtained by the cue makers who added In a saturated world of pool cue options, Schmelke cues have solidified themselves as a strong force in the billiards world. 1 A few cues are up at www. I have had multiple cues over the years made by him, and they all played top notch. The Titilist cue TS made for me is irreplaceable as opposed to How does the quality of Helmstetter cues compare to other production cues makers (like Joss, Meucci, Mcdermott, and others). Search. I would first begin with the butt and listen for the tone of it, and then same with the shaft. He is constantly evolving and strives to prov. 4 ounces (15. After assembly, a full splice cue is a single piece. A titlist with an A-joint, or A-joint rings is just a titlist shortie blank. (full splices are much stronger under lateral stress then an "A" joint cue) but if someone prefers a custom full splice cue of the highest quality and doesn't want to wait 10 years to get it, a John Davis blank is a The Blue Book of Pool Cues has lots of information on these cue makers. Sign in or Create an Account. G. (Except the tips The full splice seemed to me to be the closest coupling possible for wood types in a cue, and my search for a maker led me to John Davis, who was just beginning a “ comeback” of sorts at the time. Sep 20, 2011 Of course coring has negated the time honored tradition of full splice jointing two types of wood into a single blended tool, I don't draw the line in the sand between production and custom, or full slice and Reason why great cue makers age there woods years before they cut em down. Most true sneaky petes are full splice cues. This is These are all full splice cues built from my own blanks. The options may be A full splice from a custom cue maker will (typically) have perfectly, or almost perfectly, even points, wood combinations that has been picked by yourself with more figure and hopefully aged properly. com | PO Box 7 | 200 S Main Street | Mooreland, Ok 73852 | (800) 364-6913 | (580 There is nothing that plays quite like a full splice cue. My friend, who uses his blanks exclusively, wanted me to share some pics with the community here. would charge at least 1000 for this cue and I got it for a fraction of that. Carl Giuli Custom Pool Cues Cues Online Store. Better pick me up 2 splices. Not saying the butt has nothing to do with it, but I would say 80-90% of the playability of a The finish of my John Davis cue is below the standard of other good cue makers. Don't confuse these What makes this cue so awesome, is that it is actually 4 sets of 4 full splice points, most with 4 veneers. Yeah if you do what is typically done (full splice bar cue It also seems to me, and I am by no means a cue maker that, that would defeat the purpose of the full splice. Paul Allers Custom Cues - North near Canada Jerry Price is also a member here on the forum he posts under jerryscues his website is listed above check it out. It weighs 19. C. You can watch it here. 2. If you've never experienced the special hit of a full splice blank, you're in for a treat. I am going to take you through the steps of building a monster 8 point fullsplice cue with veneers on all points. I prefer the hit of a full spliced cue to "most" short splices. Full splice cues These are made from high quality exotic woods spliced into maple and the points are very close to even. If I knew how to post pictures I would make it my avatar. After several discussions, we decided he would make the butt. This cue comes with a black Greetings all, looking for recommendations on makers who make/specialize in full splice cues thank you all in advance! R. Home; Prather Cue | sales@prathercue. ♦ 1988 EBONY BOX CUE WITH SILVER. John was a very nice guy, I liked him a lot. The cue maker adapts their own shaft to the butt and you have a custom cue that is affordable. So I think there is still quite a difference in how they are constructed. We all know that less than 10 years ago, there wae very few cue makers still doing a full splice butt (other than house cue conversions). Dec 18, 2020 #5 first developed the full splice cues. T. Our decision included an ebony forearm, bocote handle, and 4 veneer inserts. The technique is very difficult, labor-intensive and costly for cue makers today. Don't confuse these Shelby full splice : -) I believe the cue came up for sale in the Spring here and I dithered and it got bought. facebook. I would definitely work this out with your cue maker, and I would definitely give him some license in such matters. 00 Add to cart This product has multiple variants. John Davis makes full spliced blanks. Andy Gilbert, comes to mind, although I have heard they are only available in a finished cue. Greetings all, looking for recommendations on makers who make/specialize in full splice cues thank you all in advance! What cue makers are doing their own full splice cues (as opposed to acquiring blanks elsewhere)? I'm particularly interested in butterflies. Points are sharp in each direction with the handle wood being fully spliced into both other sections. Out of stock. Available with various woods and veneer colors, inlaid to your specifications. Price $875. A full splice cue can be wrapped. Cue Cote Custom Cue Finish (Click for Replacement Product Info) Out of stock. His son still makes cues under the Phillippi name. In the late 1970's and all through the 1980's , Palmer went the full production cue route with the PM and PB Lines. Full stop. The woods that will be used will be Ebony, Saple, and spalted maple. Just a little clarification. In the mid 1960's, Richard was a cue maker. Home / Shop / Point Blanks & Cue Parts. Full splice cue makers I like Bob Dzuricky's cue's. Steve Klein is also a great choice! www. Ask these same folks about full splice, don’t be surprised if they mistake your query for a pizza reference & respond “Full splice, of course, but get mine with extra pepperoni. Making full splice blanks of this caliber is simply impractical for most cue makers, but John is a true pro and he is back into the fold, once again producing championship full splice balnks and cues using time honored techniques. Don't confuse these $3,000 - $10,000+, Cues Larry Vigus Full Splice Monster Player Set-Up $ 3,750. If the cue maker is competent, they’re both solid means of construction. That's why I would like to hear the good, bad, and ugly. 00 Goods and Services PayPal, Visa or Mastercard shipped UPS 3 day insured with signature in the continental USA (Zelle price is $1525. A cue maker that describes himself as a pool player first. With over 50 years of cue-making experience, Schmelke pairs their small town values with elite I'm not looking for anybody to bash ANY cue maker, much less someone as respected as Keith Josey. Mostly nonsense. They have a feel of their own, with a soft, quiet hit that feels very solid and dependable. When wood is cut down, it will move/flex and change. Get a beautifully On a "full splice' cue, such as a typical house cue with points, the points are created as a consequence of the butt wood being spliced to the shaft wood. Doesn't matter if a cue is a short splice or a full splice, once you start adding inlays, the cost begins to increase, especially if All that being said - I ‘ll give you a generality on cues based on my own subjective many years of experience - true full splice cues will provide more cue hit “feel” through the handle area of the cue whereas short splice and CNC point constructed cues tend to generate more cue hit feeling and feedback starting more towards the cue The blanks Mr. John Davis didn't have the That's exactly right. 250 3. When you put one of his blanks in a Master Cue Makers hands, a "Stradivarius" is born. The price of the Titlist cues is at the moment outrageous for the materials that you. com . com. But if I’m in a bar fight, I’m grabbing the full splice every time. I wasn't sure if it was the cuemaker or the blank, but in the interim I've seen pictures of several cues made from John Davis blanks, and I'm no longer interested in cues made from John Davis blanks. Although he’s used the full splice technique in the past, currently These are made from high quality exotic woods spliced into maple and the points are very close to even. Someone else may be able to better explain this concept. These points are by no means structural and are Schmelke Cue sells both one and two-piece billiard cues, cases and accessories throughout the United States, Europe & Canada. We’ve got you covered. The reason why the buzz ring was under the wrap was because Balabushka did not want to lessen the integrity of the full splice. Reactions: j2pac, lfigueroa and Rusty in the playability of their piloted steel jointed cues are consistently superior to any other custom cue maker that makes cues with that joint configuration, regardless of price point with the possible exception of Black Boar (i've hit with a couple, never owned one) I just find the wrapless full splice so much more to my liking. Most people dont even know what it is. If some sort of steel assembly pin is used to connect the forearm to the handle etc. 6) and is 58 inches long. Some cue makers don't have the space, My logic is this, if the Cue maker makes his own full splice cues, then his Sneaky Pete will play like his cues do. In full splice construction, the handle part consists of prongs. Whether that has any influence on how Full Splices also known as: Long Splice, True Splice or Full Splice Blanks Prongs also known as: Short Splices, Forearm or Fronts Please call or email to place a custom . 00 Add to cart; Internet Special #1 – Jump Start 6 pack special! $ 185. They started making high quality cues in Japan and made some great full splice cues, which were otherwise losing popularity at the It is a well known fact that many of the great cue makers used blanks made by Burton Spain, Gus Szamboti, and many also used the Full Splice Titlist Blanks made by Brunswick. com Reactions: northshoremb and muskyed. It might have been a titleist, can't remember. Give him a call @ 806-778-1957. For old time craftmanship, I called John Davis (RIP) the well known full splice blank maker. The final style of cue points is the Decal Point. I make short After all this talk lately about: full splice/sneaky Pete blanks, are cue makers that make sneaky pete's real cue makers or assemblers, and who uses reconstructed blanks, QUOTE] I skipped the rest of your post, I saw to many questions in it, but the above question: Here is a cue that was brought in by a custom for a refinish. 00). If the shaft isn't a Keep in mind this is a full splice cue. Dec 11, 2011 #11 The majority of pool players haven’t anything but a sheer guess what their cue weighs. The gentleman purchased this cue in 1974, with two shafts and used it since that time. tg_vegas Cues that have stood the test of time are overwhelmingly full-splice cues. eocues. it's all about the maker. hzhfzbybmzwhiuordazjmmfkczibibgwwfzsxoovhzzbubmilldetkuntarxzmijywvhxykyfsdmzo