Psx save game editor Save Compatibility Group 1 1K. Games. Final Fantasy VIII close Clear game filter. Black Chocobo is a FF7 save game editor written in Qt. Change region. com RPG MAKER 2000/2003 SAVE EDITOR; PC GAME TOOLS; PC GAME MOD TOOLS; PC GAME SAVE CONVERTER; PC GAME CHECKSUM FIXER; DRAGON'S PS1 Castlevania SotN Save Editor. Decrypts PSP saves. 2) (Read 598754 times) XCQ. - Hexadecimal editor specialized for "search" and "rewrite" such as saved game file. Supports both PS3 & PS4 PARAM SFO Editor 0 / 5, 0 ratings. With it you can even What about not ever having to buy another memory card again? Well look no further, this utility lets you use an external device (instructions on building one on its homepage) and download This cool program lets you plug in your MEM card interface (instuctions on website) into your computer, and download all the save games! And the saved games even work with BLEEM, An advanced PlayStation 1 Memory Card editor. srm) Mednafen (*. I can't be 100% certain all save files will convert properly. 6 PS4 SAVE WIZARD SUPPORTED ALL GAME LIST is a tool that displays a list of supported games released by Save Wizard. It requires Python and wxPython to run; these can be found here and here. check Mods check Games check image Images check video_call Videos check person Users. Refer to your Content Manager settings. But infact, this ". PS1 Wartris++ Beta 190819. Or the save file for whatever game you want to edit. Version: 1. You can: Read from or write to a real Playstation 1 Memory Card using the official Playstation 3 Memory Card USB Adaptor. This is the most powerful save game editor for Final Fantasy VIII! Join/Login; Business Software; Open Source Software; For Vendors; Blog; About; More; Articles; Create; Complete save editor for Final Fantasy VIII. I used the North American release but it may work on the Asian and PAL releases PSDX, short for PSX-SDX, is a PlayStation Save Data Editor that allows you to read and edit the content of game save data files. I've tried this for other games such as FF7 or a simple NES editor for others like Dragon Warrior 4 or Final Fantasy 1. It can read and edit . Provides help for downloading save files, erasing PSX memcard handling. sys found at /dev_flash2/etc/ PS1 games and AVCHD movies directly from the XMB, without having to launch multiMAN's GUI (btw lastGAME = multiMAN without GUI). Copy/paste/delete blocks. SOME GAMES HAVE CRC32 checks to be sure you haven't EDITED the game save as well. All PS1 Save Data is submitted by the community. This PS1. Since the PSP save file is encrypted, decrypt it, modify it, encrypt it again, and load. 76 stars. Open All Kinds Of Hyne is a save file editor for Final Fantasy VIII. PSX / PS1 MULTI-BLOCKS SAVE CONVERTER - This tool converts multiple block format (8KB unit) save files (PSV, MCS) into one memory card format (128KB) save files (VMP, MCR). Games in VCD format can now also be loaded in to the PS1 Games Library; New context menu option in the PS1 Games Library to create a PS1 game project for the PSX; PS2. My issue is that I am having trouble getting the game (Fallout New Vegas) to accept my save Save files listing: quick access to all the save files on Memory Stick and the internal PSP memory (+ file details) Save PARAM. sfo User ID and Account ID information. In the PSAVEDATA folder look for a folder which has the letters SLUS at the beginning. SFO ACCOUNT ID EDITOR; PSP TOOLS PSP SAVE EDITOR PSP SAVE ENCRYPTER / DECRYPTER; PS1 TOOLS (PS1 SAVE Tool for editing Elden Ring save files. VORTEX. pro (all targets) and Hyne. On your Vita, you will need to have a PS1 game save copied. Likes Received: 172 Trophy Points: 72. Converting to switch saves is lossy. Gran Turismo could have been one of Nintendo's killer apps and their secondary flagship racing series instead of F-Zero. This will allow you to modify your weapons and the ammo, it will also allow you to modify the amount of items you have in your SAVE EDITOR: Supported PLAY STATION SERIES (PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PSP,VITA), NINTENDO SERIES (SNES,DS,Wii,etc. Always backup your save file before making any edits! This is a hobby project developed during spare time and is intended for easier character build making. Open comment sort options ALL CREDITS TO Red-EyeX32 - The Evil Within Save Editor NOTE: YOU NEED A CFW TO REMOVE THE PROTECTION ON THE SAVE From author's words: Today I'm bringing you guys a save editor for the game 'The Evil Within'. There is also a function to fix the checksum of PS1 saved game files. PSP SAVE DECRYPTER is a tool that decrypts and encrypts PSP save files. psv) ⇔ pc (. Save Wizard for PS4 MAX gives you back control to swap saves once again! Known as profile re-signing, this function takes a save from another source eg a friend, and allows you to copy it to your PlayStation 4. yml are configuration files used to automatically deploy new versions (tagged in PlayStation DexDrive Save (Europe) From DARKSC (06/14/2008; 131KB) A good save game with good cards : 3 jirai gumo (2200atk) 3 dark elf (2000 atk) and 3 thunder dragons (fusion two to make a monster 2800 at ) the game is after gathering the millenium items and getting back to the past ! This example can work for other games as well, just obviously use the correct save editor for that game. You can edit your Inventory to Plugin support for 3rd party save editors. I would be happy if I could edit the save files of the Steam version to make it equal of the emulated one, so that I should not start it again. A Full Featured Save Editor Current Features. Game saves for your Sony PlayStation console. LOGIN; SIGN UP FREE! QUICK LINKS. Specifically i'm trying to get with Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue, where i want to try to remove. Move UP/DOWN to select the save-game i have testet my old memcard psx save , imported to the switch save (save slot import u need also a exported slot from a PSX-2-3-4,PC Save) and is do work 100% Stats edit and all that stuff do work. Important items such as door keys are A Persona (PSX) (PERSONA) Modding Tool in the Other/Misc category, submitted by mathewstar100 File 1 contains various saves throughout the game, and file 2 contains a save right before the bad ending's final boss, and unlocks Next Fear mode. Character Stats, Magic, Equipment, and Commands; Inventory and Important items; Toggle Skills/Abilities; Toggle Espers; Change Party members (currently only party 1) I read that it is necessary to resign these save game files in order for them to work in a "new" environment, in my case my freshly formatted PS3. Refer to Gamefaqs for product codes of different regions. DON'T try editing the SAVE file as there are several game save editors out there. Supports editing Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remastered Save files. I see time has money personally and would rather spend money than waster time on unnecessary stuff. GPL-3. PSX save game exports MUST be saved as "BASCUS-94163FF7-SXX" where XX is 01-15 (depending on icon desired). g. . Author: Deus This savestate editor works with saves made by ePSXe. These usually offer additional features such as completed games that can save you many hours of playing. Psx ,Emulator Formats PS3, PSP/PsVita , Switch; Create New Game + from your old saves; Gran Turismo began development in 1992. mc file format. was the first to move many of the game's items to different locations, Resident Evil 3 has a feature which moves healing items and ammunition to different locations each time a new game has started. nov / 12 / 2019 save-editor. VITA / PS TV DSVita by Apollo Save Tool is an application to manage save-game files on the PlayStation 3. PLAY STATION SERIES, RPG MAKER SERIES, PC GAME, RETRO GAME, UTILITY / PARSE Heres the deal. An exploit for PlayStation 2 that allows you to run Homebrew programs. Like you only paying $60 for one and only and can save quite lot of hours if you play single player games that need lot of unnecessary grind. mcr *. This homebrew app allows you to download, unlock, patch, and resign save-game files directly on your PS4. A Full Featured Save Editor, Black Chocobo contains All The features you would expect. I am familiar with copying files via FTP or to USB flash drives via the XMB, so this is not the issue here. Do you have to pay for it? -No! It's completely free! What platforms does it support? -Red Dead Redemption 2 PC -Red Dead Redemption: Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. From DJ_Shang_Tsung (03/08/2011; 131KB) Game completed one time with "good+" ending (there are different saves through the game). VIII Remastered Cheat Table DrummerIX" and (currently) it is the first link. mcb) Ever since the release of the PlayStation 5 (PS5), there’s been a resounding echo from the gaming community clamoring for the creation of a Save Editor. ), RPG MAKER SERIES (MV,VX/ACE,XP,2000/2003), PC GAMES The application also provides direct access to the Apollo online database of save-game files for PlayStation 4 games. PS1 UTILITY TOOLS (PSX UTILITIES / PS1 SAVE GAME MOD TOOLS) - PS1 SAVE CONVERTER, PS1 CHECKSUM FIXER, VMP HASH FIXER for PS one classics, PSV HASH FIXER for PS1 Virtual memory card, SIMPLE HEX EDITOR, etc. com RPG MAKER 2000/2003 SAVE EDITOR; PC GAME TOOLS; PC GAME MOD TOOLS; PC GAME SAVE CONVERTER; PC GAME CHECKSUM FIXER; DRAGON'S Your community-run home for all things PlayStation on Reddit! Console/game discussions, news, support, trophy/media sharing and more! I remember that at the time of the PS3 there were very good and free save editor alternatives, but I couldn't find anything about that on the PS4 Share Sort by: Best. What is Red Dead Redemption Save Editor? -Red Dead Redemption Save Editor is the most up-to-date and advanced save editor there is for Red Dead Redemption and Red Dead Redemption 2. This will edit just about anything in your save file except character stats (yet). Quote from: badman112 on PS3 Registry Editor 1. Ability to copy, delete, restore, export, import and edit saves. I recomend using that Apollo Save Tool is an application to manage save-game files on the PlayStation 2. BACKUP YOUR FILES! Just want to show some appreciation to the author for creating this save game editor. Fixed issue re-encoding utf8 on save; Fixed issue asking to save after save and not asking to save when values were changed (thanks to Jay-Jay for the bugs report) Based on his work on Apollo and dots_tb’s ps3-psvresigner, bucanero has released PSV-Save-Converter – a Windows command line based tool that’s perfect for batch conversions of your old PS1 & PS2 save files into Converts save files for retro consoles: MiSTer, srm to sav, sav to srm, GameShark (sps and gsv), PS1, N64, DexDrive, Action Replay, Retron 5, Wii Virtual Console, Sega Saturn, Saroo, Sega CD, Nintendo Switch Online, emulators, various flash cartridge formats, and save states from online emulation websites. gme file? which idk where its supposed to come from. psv Hello!!! So i started learning and trying to search anything for hack a PlayStation 1 (PS1/PSX) game ISO (BIN/CUE) file for remove the FMV (full-motion video) scenes, by using a blank STR file. Ability to copy, delete, restore, is an online PS1 memory card manager for editing Playstation Memory Cards. Black Chocobo Web Site. I used the North American release but it may work on the Asian and PAL releases too, but it is untested. Which games from the PS1 era do you hope to see worthy and remake? Hi! So I have a psvita, I'm running Adrenaline and I've installed a few psx (psone) games I was wondering if there's any save game editor for psx games? (tomb raider) I've tried using, cwcheat and nwo the tempAR doesen't work on psone games, Is there any savegame editor for Tomb Raider Could Game Data. com Black Chocobo can open and write both PC and PSX save game formats as well as saves for most emulators. PS1 Castlevania SotN Save Editor v1. Compatible with PC and Playstation Save Wizard exported saves. In your hex editor, you will have a lot of numbers and letters, all from 0 to 9 and A to F, that's all the possible hexadecimal values. Call of Duty: Ghosts; deadspace-checksum-fixer. Using that should edit where she is in-game instead of relying on the save editor. Once you've decrypted your save data, you must open it with a Hex Editor (there are a lot on the Web, just pick one). gme) Single save memory card - DexDrive, PSXGameEdit (*. Do you know if it's possible? PS: i don't mind if it does not trigger achievments Its a good editor but it only opens . Comments (0): Now, you need to find that 67 value in your save file in order to change it first. A Full Featured Save Editor, Black Chocobo contains All The features you would expect and more. mcd *. mcx *. It's possible that some utilities originally created to work with other PSX Squeenix games such as Final Fantasy ~VII-IX, Xenogears, Threads of Fate, etc. Features: Tabbed interface - multiple Memory Cards can be opened at the same time. The apollo-ps3 homebrew app allows to download, unlock, patch and resign save-game files directly on your PS3. com PSX Memory Card Manager is a very simple Playstation memory card image manipulation tool with a GUI. Thank you! Yeah PS1 <-> PSP is something I struggled with recently and was a big part of the impetus for making this. gme, . Try both, they're both good! FFTastic Can create a new file and create a "new game" save; New editor section: "party" with some data from the misc editor and a model position editor; Introduction menu; Can Hyne is a save game editor for Final Fantasy VIII. exe PARAM. The main goal of the project is to build save data files that contain any game state (e. On Windows, you can use deploy. RAW PSX card format, DexDrive format, or FF7PC format (so you can use it with JENOVA or play it on your PC version!). travis. Downloads: 11,853 Updated: Aug 8, 2022. Display editor on top; Enable maximized Apollo Save Tool is an application to manage save-game files on the PlayStation 4. ), RPG MAKER SERIES (MV,VX/ACE,XP,2000/2003), PC GAMES SAVE EDITOR: Supported PLAY STATION SERIES (PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PSP,VITA), NINTENDO SERIES (SNES,DS,Wii,etc. There’s a patchwork of interim formats and multiple tools you need to use to make the circuit from PS1 to PSP and back, I made this tool that allow you to manage your game saves from a Playstation 1 Memory Card on your Windows PC. See All Activity > Follow Black Chocobo. ) So once I click Author Topic: [PSX/PC] Save editor - Hyne (1. This homebrew app allows you to download, unlock, patch and resign save-game files directly on your PS2. Back when the PlayStation was going to be an add-on for the SNES. Hex Editor for save PS2 SAVE CONVERTER for PS3⇔PC PS2 CHECKSUM FIXER PSV HASH FIXER for PS3 (PS2 Virtual memory card) SIMPLE HEX EDITOR for PS1 / PS2 PS2 SAVE FILE DUMPER PS2セーブファイル抽出ツール PS2 DQ5 SAVE DECRYPTER PS2ドラクエ5セーブデータ復号ツール If you have a PS3 console and a memory card adapter for PS3, you can read and write PS2 memory Save Editor: RPGMaker rvdata2 rpgsave rxdata Renpy UnrealEngine Wolf Unity save dat sav rsv other files. gme) Save a Memory Card to *. PSP SAVE EDITOR Gran Turismo 2 Save Editor This command-line tool allows to read and edit saves of PlayStation game Gran Turismo 2; it works with all game versions, even with GT2+ . Some information is not carried over to the switch save files since it doesn't include those fields. Games . Most tools are written in C# 20 Projects PS Tools Projects Select a project or download the latest release Created to manage save files Homebrew developer @rajeshca911 on Twitter released via Github a PS5 Save Transfer Wizard tool for transferring game saves between a PlayStation 5 gaming console and a Windows PC allowing users to copy, This area is where you will find Game Saves for the PlayStation 1. - by MottZilla. Use the above to quickly convert a Memory Card between different supported Black Chocobo is a Final Fantasy 7 save game editor written in Qt. Developers in saves often using obfuscations like i. exe so i can have a memory card to save to. e garbage data, ram fragments dumps, multiplicating the same sections but only one is checked, on top of that, very common technique is creating checksums or internal encrypt for save parts to prevent modifications (so if You found real data and change it without correcting checksums, then In an interview around the time Gran Turismo 2 was being released, the developers stated they didn't find muscle cars to be an important part of automotive culture, but decided to add some into the game for broader appeal. Alien: Isolation; cod-checksum-fixer. Post New Comments. 11. net Other game save formats 56. This program allows you to mount save data as READ/WRITE - by STLcardsWS. This program will allow you to load and edit save games for Castlevania Symphony of the Night. Requirements:. Here are the list of fields not carried over: Auto Login; System Achievement Statuses; Screen Although the arranged version of Resident Evil: Director's Cut. SFO information when changing data files. Downloads: 694 Updated: Jul 24, 2022. Dead Space 2; Dead Space 3; There is no different formats of PlayStation 2 Memory Cards images besides images with or without ECC (except of course VME which is just image with ECC PS1 CHECKSUM FIXER is a tool to fix after modifying the save file. Watchers. if u open BC u need This is the reddit community for OpenEmu help and discussion. Use with caution: This tool should be used responsibly. I love the internet, what isn't available through thousands of searches one day One question. Save with the limits Great Gospel (Aeris) and Omnislash (Cloud) without Game Shark use, with 40 hours played in the disk 1 and many Materias in Master. Argg0 dec / 26 / 2019 ps1 save game id changer has been released. i was forced to download this memory card . Skip to content. com has been released. Find the game save you want, and click on "Save Game File" (WARNING: Make sure the game save you want is the same region your game is. may be able Tools to fix checksums for specific PS3 save-games: alien-checksum-fixer. Export non FF7 saves From psx virtual memcards; Project Samples. In this FFTactics file its looking for a . Available for Windows, Linux + Mac Os. yml and appveyor. Our in Chrono Cross Save State Editor . Save Compatibility Group 2 43. You will also need a way to put the save back on the memory card, such as a dex SIMPLE HEX EDITOR for PS1/PS2/etc. Combined with the right hardware, transfering data to and from a real memory card is All levels completed with Grand Master ranking. Currently, the Save Editor For Final Fantasy VII. Many of the puzzle solutions are different in each playthrough. SFO "TITLE_ID" "BLES12345" "TITLE" "MY GAME" "CATEGORY" "HG" Changes in 2. Features: Open PC/PS save format; Save as many PS & PC save format; Edit GF/Character/Triple I made a program for the PS1 that lets you edit your Save Game data for Castlevania SotN. Contribute to sithlord48/blackchocobo development by creating an account on GitHub. The powerful open-source mod manager from Edit save code, region and game license code; Restore deleted saves; Delete game saves; View Memory Card filesystem low level details; Supported memory card types: Libretro (*. NET Framework 4. When editing *. mcr) InterAct DexDrive format (*. Hardware interfaces for communication with real Memory Cards. - SAVE-EDITOR. Copy your VMP save to this JENOVA is the preeminient savegame editor for Final Fantasy VII. sav keep in mind that this must be considered experimental. desktop (Unix targets). Game saves GBAtemp. close Close You can also edit savecards files from various PlayStation emulators. OpenEmu is about to change the world of video game emulation. gme saves to a PSP with the PS1 version of the game as well. Save files listing: quick access to all the save files on USB and the internal PS4 HDD (+ file details) Save param. bat to deploy DLLs, translation files and compress files. Downloads: 27,324 Updated: Aug 20, 2018. You can use saved files of other regions in game of your region. These are US PS1 save folders. Stars. sfo updating: allows the user to update the param. Project Activity. com PlayStation SERIES; PS3 TOOLS PS3 SAVE EDITOR PS3 SAVE / PARAM. New CUE2POPS GUI Convert PS1 Black Chocobo is a Free Software (gplv3) FF7 save game editor written in Qt. Also Supports Converting Save Formats to PC or PSX. mcr, . psv formats but can't resign . For the first time, the "it just works" philosophy now extends to open source video game emulation on the Mac. by SAVE-EDITOR. 8. mc *. ), RPG MAKER SERIES (MV,VX/ACE,XP,2000/2003), PC GAMES An advanced PlayStation 1 Memory Card editor. SFO updating: rehash, fix ownership, and update PARAM. Final Fantasy 8 and 9 are a few of such games. com PS2 TOOLS (PS2 SAVE GAME MOD TOOLS) PS1 SAVE CONVERTER for PSP&PS3&PC; PS1 CHECKSUM FIXER; PS2 SAVE CONVERTER for PS3&PC; PS2 CHECKSUM FIXER; PS VITA CHECKSUM FIXER; PS4 SAVE WIZARD SUPPORTED GAME LIST; Dec / 26 / 2019 PS1 SAVE GAME ID CHANGER has been released. PocketStation support (read serial, dump BIOS, push PC time) SAVE EDITOR: Supported PLAY STATION SERIES (PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PSP,VITA), NINTENDO SERIES (SNES,DS,Wii,etc. From mike_tru (01/06/2004; 131KB) Saved at the Maximum Number of Battles - Change the version number in Hyne. PSP SAVE DECRYPTER PSP SAVE EDITOR. Download FF7 Black Chocobo is a Final Fantasy 7 save game editor written in Qt. 5 / 5, 1 rating. any help? Re-sign Friends PS4 Game Save to Your Account. Nov / 12 / 2019 SAVE-EDITOR. Save Wizard for PS4 MAX, the first and only save editor for PlayStation 4. 0----- A viewer and editor on the PC for the PS3 registry file xRegistry. This ever-increasing demand is a testament to the role such tools play in enhancing and personalizing gaming experiences, unlocking a new dimension of interactive entertainment. Code of conduct Activity. com PS2 TOOLS (PS2 SAVE GAME MOD TOOLS) PS1 SAVE CONVERTER for PSP&PS3&PC; PS1 CHECKSUM FIXER; PS2 SAVE CONVERTER for PS3&PC; PS2 CHECKSUM FIXER; PS VITA CHECKSUM FIXER; PS4 SAVE WIZARD SUPPORTED GAME LIST; PSP SAVE GAME MOD TOOLS (PSP SAVE EDITOR, PSP SAVE DECRYPTER) - A tool for modifying PSP save game file. its not the memory card file and i cant just make my own FFT save. Example: PARAM_SFO_Editor. Readme License. VITA / PS TV SF1MR-VITA by anas-halid A PS Vita Port of the Popular Mugen Remake of Street Fighter One (SF1MR). They actually are good tbh updates are tbh really fast and gets new games offsets real quick. Characters Jobs Primary Abilities Support (R/S/M) Abilities Weapons Armor Items Enemies Maps Propositions Walkthrough Newbie These two savegame editors will allow you to make changes to your DexDrive savegames or saves from any Playstation emulator that can utilise the DexDrive format. dat and/or *. Plugin support for 3rd party save editors. The Memory Card Manager allows to manage the save game slots stored on memory card Optimized to work with your PlayStation 3 without the need to do illegal modifications, Game Genie Save Editor for PS3 is an easy-to-use program that works by allowing you to modify your saves on your PC with cheats that take effect once you load your game. Save files patching: PS2 CHECKSUM FIXER is a tool to fix after modifying the save file. psu) rpg maker 2000/2003 save editor; pc game tools; pc game mod tools; pc game save converter; pc game checksum fixer; dragon's dogma dark arisen save editor; stardew valley save editor; A Collection of Playstation Tools All Under One Roof. Back up your save files before using this converter. savegame ps2 save-editor save-manager Resources. 2. Hi all! A few months ago i've started a new run of FFIX (PSX version) with an emu on my pc, almost reaching the end of the second disc. 0. Im using the PSX emu, well just PSX, boots up just like a normal playstation. sram" is a PS1 save file. Theme Color; Light & Clear; Dark & Serious; Settings; PC & PSX Save Game Editor: Author User Submitted: Submitted / Updated 04-19-2001 / 04-19-2001: Type Pic of the Day! Short Desc PC & PSX Save Game Editor: Description PC & PSX Save Game Editor: You Must Be Logged In to Vote or show your registered tag. gme but its fairly easy to get a program that converts saves, besides you can also load . Support for the 2 Mass Effect Trilogies (Original and Legendary) 100% of the saves can be edited (except ME1OT) Thousands of plot flags; Bioware's plot database; Import / Export head morph Save files listing: quick access to all the save files on USB and the internal PS Vita memory (+ file details) Save param. ps2 save converter for ps3 (. The path should be: PS Vita -> PSAVEDATA. com Dec / 26 / 2019 PS1 SAVE GAME ID CHANGER has been released. A PSX save Version: Europe (SLES-01374) Filesize: 14. Trilogy Save Editor A save editor for Mass Effect Trilogy Features This software is similar to Gibbed's save editors (and forks) but adds a lot of stuff. Change your gold items stats etc. This allows opening one or more Memory Cards and edit or analyze them. 09 Description: This is Tekken 1 100% save game file for Retroarch US version all characters. PS4 Playstation 4 Save Mounter. Editors; Become a patron Game Translator; Contact; Login; Save Editor Online. Save files patching: complete If you mean you want to edit a specific game save to have like more money or whatever your best luck is to use some gameshark/action replay cheats. Updated: Jul 24, 2022. Updated: Jan 14, A tool to convert PS1 games for PS4 5 / 5, 2 ratings. Load a Memory Card from multiple file format (*. Black Chocobo can open and write both PC and PSX save game formats as well as saves for most emulators. The only save editor I know of are for games like the latest FF. I made a program for the PS1 that lets you edit your Save Game data for Castlevania SotN. Anyhow here is a link to a currently under development PSX game card editor called PSXMem Tool. PSX / PS1 SAVE GAME ID CHANGER (REGION CONVERTER) - Online tool to change the game ID of PS1 save file. 3. Pay Cait Sith's site a visit if you like what he's done here. 0 license Code of conduct. mcs) Single save memory card - Xploder, Action Replay (*. qdqztmmyjemuibashifpcqvkuohhsmstrcmdgosnnqishwzkzlwjhmmqrwzvhdzqazlavknasfaoqwjxr